Rabid American Blog

This the Blog site for www.rabidamerican.net

Location: Omaha, Nebraska, United States

I'm a middle-aged American that cares about God, my family & friends, and despise the decline in the core values that made this country great! This is my way of venting this disdain, express my views and to have some fun along the way.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cartoons for Islam....

Cartoons and Simps
Here we go again...
I think I've said it before, but will repeat it for all those who haven't had the privilege:

"The muslim world is not ready for western freedoms."

I understand it is a learning process but we as a free nation must demand bi-directional understanding of our new muslim "friends". I would say we need to give them an invitation to the 21st. century.

They do not understand absolutes regarding freedoms such as our 1st. amendment of the Bill-of-Rights. They have no grasp of the concept that they can choose to ignore something that may outrage them and let it slink away into the sunset.

Have said that, I must also state that I understand that they are offended, yet frankly I don't care. I do care that our western governments are once again sniveling and cowling at the faux-offense of a dutch cartoonist. Not having the spine to stand up for free speech, western government leaders demand that this individual apolgize for a non-offense.

The muslims act like a troop of apes. At the slightest, usually unintended, provocation the hotting and chest-pounding starts. Items are thrown, things destroyed, usually their own crap.

An impending disaster with Iran and we concentrate on cartoons?

Alas Babylon .....
