Rabid American Blog

This the Blog site for www.rabidamerican.net

Location: Omaha, Nebraska, United States

I'm a middle-aged American that cares about God, my family & friends, and despise the decline in the core values that made this country great! This is my way of venting this disdain, express my views and to have some fun along the way.

Friday, April 28, 2006

May 01 2006: The Great Immigrant walkout....

The latest tantrum is about to begin.......

It's being called "The Day Without Immigrants".
In reality it's "
Illegal Alien Tantrum Day".

Let's start with clearing up "terms" and "issues" hijacked by the media, invaders, and lefties across this country. This issue is about "ILLEGAL ALIENS", intruders without identification who have chosen to bypass the normal immigration laws and processes to preclude uneducated, destitute, criminal, and undesireable persons from coming to our country.

These are not "Undocumented Workers", nor are they "Undocumented Immigrants". "Immigrants" to any country are those who wish to forsake their allegiances and conditions of their originating country for those that are the norm of the country to which they have been allowed to migrate to. An "immigrant" wishes to assimilate, not create a separate ethnic subculture. Employment in any particular country is of benefit to those persons who are a citizen, LEGAL IMMIGRANT, or invited "Guest-Worker", of that country.

Immigration is a necessary part of our culture. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS NOT! Illegals snub our laws simply by virtue of the way they have come to be here and the tenacity they show through their planned tantrums. They openly oppose our laws, and the enforcement there of. They wish to change our system through public disruption of services and by having the support of pandering politicos. The American way is by proxy through our elected representatives.

On May 1st, to protest the current Immigration reform bill, they are calling for:
  • No Work
  • No School
  • No Sales, and No Buying
  • Have rallies around symbols of economic trade in your areas (stock exchanges, anti-immigrant corporations, etc.).
They wish to shut down major metropolitan areas by throwing an organized, public, tantrum. They will work for dirt wages, require no benefits, live under abhorant conditions to earn a buck. Well good for them. Americans do not wish to live that way and have developed our country into an environment which will not accept those conditions.

The country of Mexico presents no viable alternatives to their citizens. Their government is corrupt, their judiciary is corrupt, their police are corrupt. They continue to be one of the porrest countries in the world, while supporting an elite upper-class. To continue to support this elite class a philosophy of exportation of its own citizenry has been instated to support its economy. The Mexican government encourages illegal intrusion of the USA.

This invasion comes at the cost of our public health services, our public school system, public welfare system, public housing system, and all those at OUR cost. Our taxes are primarily paid to support these for the benefit of OUR citizens. Were we to immediately deny these services and support systems to illegal aliens, most would leave of their own volition.
We've become like a tick infested dog, weakening and becoming more sickly by the day.

Many say that it is impossible to identify and remove these people from our country. I say that is a pitiful copout! If you don't want to, yes it is seems impossible. It would take leadership and strength of citizens to reach that goal. We have to face this issue and buck-up to the challenges it provides us. Too expensive? How about $15 Billion per year transferred to Mexico in 2005? Why don't we slam a 60% tax on that? Wouldn't this pay for their deportation? Another option would be to use military transportation for those identified and apprehended.

The issue has become "Latino-Centric" because they make up the majority of the ILLEGALS swarming our country, because the southern border is the most vulnerable. We accept the next "Day of Action" in silence, as we did last time?

It has become a
"Latino-Centric" issue because they wish to reclaim "Aztlan" by displacing our own citizens within American communities throughout the south-west including Texas and Oklahoma. "La Raza" is but one vehicle for this effort.

Besides all that, does anyone realize that May 1st. is Communist Workers Day? Coincidence? Why are they using OUR resources in supporting the communist efforts in their country?

Aren't you tired of the insults? The desecration of our flag? The invasion of our country?

So what do we do, you ask?
  • First off, let them continue self-destruction. They will become even more emboldened and will cross the line of civility soon enough.
  • When the time is right I still think that there are enough hardcore Americans around to "take care of business".
  • Challenge any panderer you encounter. Challenge their supporters.
  • Grow some "cajones", Gringo!
Who is to blame? We all are, if we do not do OUR civic duty and ring the freakin' phone off the walls at the offices of our politicians!!

Controlled immigration "YES", Illegal immigration "NO"......

Just want you to think about it.....


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